Building Opportunities for Family and Community
- Bring more programs and services for families in Manor versus surrounding areas like:
- Recreation Center, Parks (People and Pets), Swimming Pool, Modern Library, Family Entertainment (Movie Theater, Bowling), Grocery Store (HEB), Home Depot/Lowes, Summer/After School Programs, Counseling and Mentoring Programs, Park & Recreation Department, and more
- More Meeting Spaces for Community Organizations
- Language Support Spaces for English, Spanish, and other language learners.
- Spaces for Health Education and Fitness
- Fine Arts Venue for concerts and plays
Understanding and Developing Community
- Quarterly Community Meetings for feedback and partnership
- Community leadership teams or task force teams to brainstorm, plan, and support city initiatives
- Survey the community for feedback.
Increasing Business and Job Training Opportunities
- Job Training Programs for youth and adults
- Adult GED/Diploma Programs
- More Meeting Spaces for Community Organizations and Businesses
- Grants and Loans to support start-ups and local business advancement
Long-term Strategic Planning
- Create a strategic planning committee that will draft a city plan for the City of Manor covering the next 15 to 20 years
- Ensure the stakeholders on the committee are: Residents, Business Leaders, Community Leaders, Health Related Services, TXDOT, Church Leaders, School District Officials, Local Government Officials, and representatives from Travis County.
- Survey the community for feedback.
- Draft a plan and identify funding for the plan
- Present the plan to the community for feedback
- Make Adjustments and share revised plan
- City Council vote on the plan
Developing Infrastructure needed for growth
- Review Image Austin Plan and discussions with upcoming developments by neighboring cities.
- Draft a summary of possible traffic, water, sewage, construction impact
- Communicate with public concerning the city needs and options to support
- Explore grant opportunities for Rural Area Capital Developments
- Recruit businesses to help with the needs of the city.